Newly released!! DataGrid component for REACT:
  • Introducing the Flexicious Dashboard Platform


    Flexicious Dashboard Platform empowers you with the foundation to build feature rich, expressive, highly customizable, and deeply engaging dashboard experience. Features include Configurable, Moveable, Resizable, Draggable/Droppable, Expandable/Collapsable Dashlets, Print and Print Preview, PDF Export, Preference Persistence, Professional Skins< all built on top of the highly customizable Spark Skinning Framework

  • Flexicious Flex DataGrid Introduction


    Flexicious Flex DataGrid extends the Adobe Flex SDK DataGrid and AdvancedDataGrid by adding support for Inline Filters, Summary Footers, Fully Customizable Server/Client Paging, DataGrid Print & Alive PDF Integration, Excel Export, Word Export, and User Settings Persistence!

  • Flexicious Ultimate


    Flexicious Ultimate empowers you with smooth scroll, nested hierarchical tree/child grids, right locked columns, customizable built in lazy load support, in addition to all of the exciting Flexicious features you are already used to, like Print, Word/Excel Export, Paging, Inline Customizable Filter and Footers, Preference Persistence, PDF export, on top of the regular features like Grid Display/Editing, Sortable/Resizable/Re-orderable columns, Customizable headers & data cells, various selection modes, and an easy to extend architecture

  • SQL EDT (Enterprise Data Toolkit)


    Cutting Edge Database Tool, that brings to you Test Data Generator, SQL Schema Compare, SQL Data Compare, SQL Intellisense, Database Navigation, SQL Designer, Script Generator, Power Search, and Quick Filter.

Flexicious Flex DataGrid / AdvancedDataGrid

Flexicious Flex DataGrid / Advanced DataGrid extends the Adobe Flex SDK DataGrid and AdvancedDataGrid by adding support for Inline Filters, Summary Footers, Fully Customizable Server/Client Paging, DataGrid Print & Alive PDF Integration, Excel Export, Word Export, and User Settings Persistence!

 Flexicious Ultimate DataGrid

Flexicious Ultimate empowers you with smooth scroll, nested hierarchical tree/child grids, right locked columns, built in lazy load support, in addition to all of the exciting Flexicious features you are already used to, like Print, Word/Excel Export, Paging, Inline Customizable Filter and Footers, Preference Persistence, PDF export, on top of the regular DataGrid features!


Cutting Edge Database Tool, that brings to you Test Data Generator, SQL Schema Compare, SQL Data Compare, SQL Intellisense, Database Navigation, SQL Designer, Script Generator, Power Search, and Quick Filter.

Support for SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, DB2, and Sybase

Flexicious Spark DataGrid

Flexicious Spark DataGrid extends the NEW Adobe Flex SDK Spark DataGrid and by adding support for the same exciting features as we do for the Halo DataGrid, i.e. Inline Filters, Summary Footers, Fully Customizable Server/Client Paging, DataGrid Print & Alive PDF Integration, Excel Export, Word Export, and User Settings Persistence!

 Flexicious Dashboard Platform

Flexicious Dashboard Platform empowers you with the foundation to build feature rich, expressive, highly customizable, and deeply engaging dashboard experience. Features include Configurable, Moveable, Resizable, Draggable/Droppable, Expandable/Collapsable Dashlets, Print and Print Preview, PDF Export, Preference Persistence, Professional Skins all built on top of the highly customizable Spark Skinning Framework

 React DataGrid

React DataGrid The MOST Powerful DataGrid/TreeGrid component for React based Line Of Business Applications Print, Word/Excel Export, Server/Client Paging and Filtering, Customizable Filter Controls and Summary Footers, User Settings, Preference Persistence Smooth scroll, Nested Hierarchical Tree/child grids, Left/Right Locked Columns, Lazy Load/Virtual Scroll


JavaScript port of our popular Ultimate DataGrid. HTML TreeGrid is built to render highly complex, Hierarchical/Nested as well as Flat Data in JQuery, DOJO, and Sencha EXT-JS based HTML5/JavaScript Line of Business RIA applications, with a massive set of features right out of the box!

  iOSComponents iOS DataGrid

A fully native Objective-C port of our popular Ultimate DataGrid. The most powerful DataGrid component for iOS. Support inline filters, summary footers, server/client paging, excel/ word export, user settings persistence, hierarchical tree/child grids, left/right locked columns, lazy load and more!

  Android DataGrid

A fully native Java port of our popular Ultimate DataGrid. The most powerful DataGrid component for Android. Coming soon, please use the contact us link below to register for a beta when it is available!