Newly released!! DataGrid component for REACT:
  1. Fix: Issue with multiple Filter/Page/Sort events being fired in server mode for certain types of filter controls.
  2. Fix: Fixed Issue with column resize causing filters to loose state.
  3. Fix: Added get value and set value to all Flexicious controls that can be used to rebuild from persisted state.
  4. Feature: The Flexicious Advanced DataGrid.
  5. Enhancement: Exposed Flexicious Filter controls to be used independantly in UI as well as detached filters.
  6. Enhancement: Added labelFunction to MultiSelectComboBox.
  7. Enhancement: Added support for numeric/date operations on footers that are represented as strings, on basis of filterComparisionType property.
  8. Enhancement: Footer Count operation automatically sets precision to 0.
  9. Enhancement: Autodetect when collection resets so client does not have to explicitly call refresh layout.
  1. Feature: Print, Print Preview
  2. Feature: Export: Excel, Word, Html, Text, Custom Formats
  3. Feature: Integration with ALIVE PDF for pdf generation
  4. Enhancement: Support for Dynamic Filter Controls (See State Code column and DynamicFilterControl in examples)
  5. Enhancement: Support for locked columns and rows
  6. Enhancement: Dynamic ordering of filter/pager/footer/body/header sections. See displayOrder property on the grid.
  7. Enhancement: Support for multi row footers. See CustomFooterRenderer
  8. Enhancement: Support for default filters, so the grid can initialize with filter criteria preloaded. See Tests.mxml (setFilterValue)
  9. Enhancement: Virtualized creation of the Date ComboBox filter popup, so client can create their own date popup
  1. Feature: Column Chooser
  2. Feature: Preference Persistence, user can choose to persist column widths, order, visbility, filter values, sorts, page size, etc.
  3. Feature: Addition of the filterVisible,footerVisible,pagerVisible, and force pager properties
  4. Enhancement: Added the ImageButton class
  5. Enhancement: Watermarks added to column text filter
  6. Enhancement: Added excludeFromPrint and excludeFromExport properties to exclude certain columns from being printed/exported
  7. Enhancement: Added the columnWidthMode property to DataGrid column, fixed,percent,fitToContent.
  8. Enhancement: Added the footerAlign, useLabelFunctionForFilterCompare properties.
  9. API change: ascending now initialSortAscending, sortField now initialSortField, showPager now forcePager
  1. Feature: The library now contains a Spinner control, fully stylable. The Grids encapsulate this, and can be invoked using showSpinner and hideSpinner methods
  2. Feature: (Contd) The grids have a new property, showSpinnerOnFilterPageSort, which wilE l automatically show the spinner when a filter/page/sort occurs
  3. Feature: (Contd) The grids also have styles exposed to style the spinner
  4. Enhancement: The Print Preview now has resizable columns
  5. Enhancement: The Print Preview will now render MUCH faster
  6. Enhancement: Print now supports renderer providers for Advanced DataGrid
  7. Enhancement: The Preference Persistence mechanism will remember your last print settings, columns you choose to print, the widths you set, header/footer options etc!
  8. Enhancement: Added the columnWidthOffset to manage cases where there is custom formatting for columns of "fitToContent"
  9. Enhancement: Added the runCurrentSort to advanced datagrid, so in addition to setting the sort icons, it will actually run the sort.
  10. Enhancement: Filter Support for expression based data field [dataField=''].
  11. Enhancement: Added instructions in MyPreviewRenderer.mxml to demonstrate how to persist pdf locally.
  12. Fix - Fix for last row being cut off in print - Use rowHeight, set it to an explicit value.
  13. Fix - Print for hierarchical and variable row height grids
  14. Fix - Issues with persistence and rebuilding of slider control
  15. Fix - Issues with MultiSelectComboBox and Checkbox List with addAllItem=true not unchecking the "All" item checkbox when there is a scroll bar.
  16. Fix - Resolved a memory leak with FilterExpression.
  17. Fix - Addressed issue with multiple filterPageSortEvents being triggered in server mode.
  18. Existing clients will need to get the following files when you get the latest swc (either from the updated sample that we send you or via view->source on the demo):
    1. SettingsPopup.mxml (Fixed issues with Checkbox List)
    2. SaveSettingsPopup.mxml (Added Print Settings checkbox)
    3. support/print/*(Added persistence support, header parameters, etc.)
    4. SalaryRangeSlider.mxml (Fixed persistence/rebuild)
    5. CustomPagerControl.mxml (Fixed alignment issues)
  1. Fix: Address export issues for hierarchical XML data
  2. Fix: Addressed the sortCompareFunction issue
  3. Fix: FilterPageSortChange did not have the cause on sort
  4. Fix: Addressed the bug where selecting Custom on the date combobox caused duplicate filter events
  5. Enhancement: Added enablePrint and enableExport properties which can be used in binding the CustomPagerControl.
  6. Enhancement: Added enableLocalFilePersistence property to ExportOptions, to leverage local file persistence of Flash Player 10
  7. Enhancement: Added the exportFileName property on ExportOptions. Only applicable when enableLocalFilePersistence=true
  8. Enhancement: Added code to MyPreviewRenderer.mxml to demonstrate how to persist PDF locally
  9. Enhancement: Added tab and arrow key support to Filter rows
  10. Enhancement: Added a method, setFiterFocus to set focus on any filter field
  11. Enhancement: Added a method, setFocusOnNextFocusableFilterControl to set focus on the first focusable filter field in the filter list
  12. Enhancement: Added a method, getDistinctValuesForColumn to get the distinct list of values for any column
  13. Enhancement: Added styling support for filters: New style properties filterBorderColor,footerBorderColor,filterBorderThickness,footerBorderThickness,filterBorderSides,footerBorderSides Added.
  14. Note: Filter and Footer Border sides only have top and bottom. We dont draw left and right borders. We also dont draw any borders for the pager bar, this can be easily controlled via your CustomPagerControl.
  15. Enhancement: Added a new Filter Control: NumericTextInput to restrict input to numeric characters
  16. Enhancement: Added ICustomMatchFilterControl : A filter control that encapsulates its own filter logic. Can only be used with filterPageSortMode
  17. Enhancement: Added the "Does Not Contain" filter criteria
  18. Existing clients will need to get the following files when you get the latest swc (either from the updated sample that we send you or via view->source on the demo):
    1. DynamicFilterControl.mxml (Focus support, needed only if you are using dynamic filters)
  1. Enhancement : Added the Additional Filter Arguments Function for detached search.
  2. Enhancement : The Header text is now included to figure out max Enhancement : Keyboard Navigation for Filters.
  3. Enhancement : Exposed the pager as a property of the grid, so you can directly manipulate it.
  4. Enhancement : Added printExportParameters to the grid, so you can use same set of Print renderers for multiple grids, and pass in the Print Export parameters for each grid.
  5. Enhancement : The text for the copy X menu items is customizable via the copyCellMenuText, Enhancement: Added tooltipFunction to CheckBoxList.
  6. Enhancement: Added CheckBoxTileList control, for multi column checkbox lists.
  7. Enhancement : For scenarios where you wish to add the print export preview popups as a child of a display object other than the Main Application, there is a popupParent property on the PrintExportOptions class.
  8. Enhancement : Added modalWindows, printAsBitmap, and printExportParameters to Print Options. Please see docs for details.
  9. Enhancement : Added ability to plug in your own collection manipulator.
  10. Bug Fix : Placement of Sections overflowing with horizontal scroll bar for locked columns.
  11. Bug Fix : Copy Cell Context Menu Item was disabled width for columnWidthMode=fitToContent.
  12. Bug Fix : Copy Cell not taking into account visibility of columns.
  13. Bug Fix : Copy Row not taking into account label function copyAllRowsMenuText, and copySelectedRowMenuText property.
  14. Bug Fix: Date Combo Box preferences were not being persisted for Custom Date Range.
  15. Bug Fix : Addressed the issue with Hierarchical Views not taking into account the getChildren method of the interface.
  16. Bug Fix : Search by quarter had incorrect logic in Date Combobox.