Documentation for classes includes syntax, usage information, and code samples for methods, properties, and event handlers and listeners for those APIs that belong to a specific class in ActionScript. The classes are listed alphabetically. If you are not sure to which class a certain method or property belongs, you can look it up in the Index.

com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.filter A container object that encapsulates all the individual property filter settings, page settings and the sort state.
com.flexicious.components.charts The LineChart control represents a data series as points connected by a continuous line.
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects Extends line series, and sets useRollover to false, since there is no bar to rollover.
com.flexicious.controls A specialized version of the base List to work with the TextInput class's autcomplete feature
com.flexicious.components.charts The BarChart control represents data as a series of horizontal bars whose length is determined by values in the data.
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects Defines a data series for a BarChart control.
com.flexicious.controls.dependencies This is the renderer for the auto complete combobox, to highlight what the user has typed in bold.
com.flexicious.components A class that draws a stack of links to demonstrate a breadcrumb control.
 BreadCrumbEvent Events for the BreadCrumb component
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects Defines a data series for a BubbleChart control.
com.flexicious.controls A button that automatically adds the GrayScale filter to its icon when the enabled flag is set to false.
com.flexicious.components.charts The CandlestickChart control represents financial data as a series of candlesticks representing the high, low, opening, and closing values of a data series.
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects Represents financial data as a series of candlesticks representing the high, low, opening, and closing values of a data series.
com.flexicious.components.charts The CartesianChart class is a base class for the common chart types.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects An object that represents information about a cell.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells A set of utility functions that are shared by FlexDataGridDataCell, FlexDataGridDataCell2 and FlexDataGridDataCell3
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects Class to keep track of changes - additions, modifications and deletions to the data provider.
com.flexicious.lic This class is the base class for all chart classes.
 ChartEvent The ChartEvent class represents events that are specific to the chart control, such as when a chart is clicked.
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects A ChartItem represents a single item in a ChartSeries.
 ChartItemEvent The ChartItemEvent class represents events that are specific to the chart components, such as when a chart item is clicked.
com.flexicious.controls A checkbox that implements ISelectedBitFilterControl (IFilterControl) and ISelectedBitDataBoundControl (IDataBoundControl) which enables it to be used within the filtering/binding infrasturcture.
com.flexicious.controls A checkbox list that implements IMultiSelectFilterControl (IFilterControl) and IMultiSelectDataBoundControl (IDataBoundControl) which enables it to be used within the filtering/binding infrasturcture.
com.flexicious.controls.dependencies Renderer used by the the MultiSelectComboBox to render the individual checkboxes.
com.flexicious.controls A checkbox list that implements IMultiSelectFilterControl (IFilterControl) and IMultiSelectDataBoundControl (IDataBoundControl) which enables it to be used within the filtering/binding infrasturcture.
com.flexicious.grids.filters A class that handles sorting paging and filtering of collections.
com.flexicious.components.charts The ColumnChart control represents data as a series of vertical columns whose height is determined by values in the data.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader A class that is responsible for associating the column header menu with header cells The default list of operations is the static variable on this class.
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects Defines a data series for a ColumnChart control.
com.flexicious.controls A ComboBox that implements ISingleSelectFilterControl (IFilterControl) and ISingleSelectDataBoundControl (IDataBoundControl) which enables it to be used within the filtering/binding infrasturcture.
com.flexicious.utils Generic constants being used across the library.
com.flexicious.export.exporters Exports the grid in CSV format
com.flexicious.components.dashboard The Flexicious Dashboard Framework is a new product from Flexicious that empowers RIA developers to provide feature rich, expressive, highly customizable, and deeply engaging dashboard experience to their users. It provides you with a lot of the base functionality that is standard in dashboard applications, in addition to a number of highly productive features including: Support for configurable layout of dashlets, and provision for users to move and resize dashlets, integrated with preference persistence so dashboard loads exactly how the user left it. Ability to organize dashlets in zones.
 DashboardEvent Main event for the dashboard class
com.flexicious.skins.dashboardThe Spark skin class for the MX PopUpButton component.
com.flexicious.components.dashboard.print Extended version of the Print controller for managing print of the dashboard
 DashboardPrintEvent For Print Based Events.
com.flexicious.skins.dashboardThe default skin class for a Flexicious DashboardContainer.
com.flexicious.skins.dashboardThe default skin class for a DashbardTaskbar container.
com.flexicious.components.dashboard.preferences Extended version of the User Settings controller for managing state of the dashboard
com.flexicious.components.dashboard A dashlet is a component that sits within a Dashboard DragDropZone.
com.flexicious.components.valueobjects A class that holds information about the location, parent zone, dimensions of a dashlet.
com.flexicious.skins.dashboardThe default skin class for a Flexicious DashboardContainer.
com.flexicious.controls.dataBindings A container control that can encapsulate a series of databound controls.
com.flexicious.grids.columns.footers Each of the ExtendedDataGridColumns creates one additional cell to display the footer when the enableFooter property is set to true.
com.flexicious.grids.columns.footers A container for all the DataGridCell objects.
com.flexicious.controls A ComboBox that implements IRangeFilterControl (IFilterControl) which enables it to be used within the filtering/binding infrasturcture.
com.flexicious.controls A DateField that implements ITextFilterControl (IFilterControl) and ITextDataBoundControl (IDataBoundControl) which enables it to be used within the filtering/binding infrasturcture.
com.flexicious.utils Utility class to manage date ranges.
com.flexicious.controls A control composed of two date fields, start date and end date, and an optional DateComboBox, that allows for easy keyboard entry of date ranges.
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects A base class for pie, pyramid and funnel series
com.flexicious.export.exporters Exports the grid in DOC format
com.flexicious.components.dashboard DragDropZone is a class that holds widgets.
com.flexicious.controls.containers An extended HBOX that will display a dropdown arrow to show items that are not within the viewport.
com.flexicious.lic Base class for the ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid.
com.flexicious.lic Base class for the ExtendedDataGrid.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager Unused class.
com.flexicious.export.exporters An extension to the basic HTML Exporter that exports excel
com.flexicious.export Main class responsible for exporting data.
com.flexicious.export Class to export the datagrid, either one page at a time or specific pages, or all pages.
com.flexicious.grids This is the main class that extends from mx.controls.DataGrid, and adds Filtering, Paging, and Filtering capabilities to it.
com.flexicious.grids.columns Provides the following additional features in addition to the base column 1) Filter renderer (Any control that implements com.flexicious.controls.filters.interfaces.IFilterControl) - Will draw it in the header and filter the collection automatically.
com.flexicious.grids This is the main class that extends from mx.controls.DataGrid, and adds Filtering, Paging, and Filtering capabilities to it.
com.flexicious.grids.columns Provides the following additional features in addition to the base column 1) Filter renderer (Any control that implements com.flexicious.controls.filters.interfaces.IFilterControl) - Will draw it in the header and filter the collection automatically.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.export The nested grid does not show an export options window.
 ExtendedFilterPageSortChangeEvent A version of the FilterPageSortChangeEvent, however, this one has a advanced filter which contains the level information in addition to the regular filter.
com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns Provides the following additional features in addition to the base column 1) Filter renderer (Any control that implements com.flexicious.controls.filters.interfaces.IFilterControl) - Will draw it in the header and filter the collection automatically.
com.flexicious.controls A Popup button that positions the popups left or right edge in line with the popup buttons left or right edge on basis of edgeAlignmentMode Also, if popup is open, button will keep the state of the skin set to popupOver.
com.flexicious.grids.spark Extension to the Spark DataGrid
com.flexicious.grids.spark.skinsThe default skin class for a Spark DataGrid component.
com.flexicious.grids.spark.print Extended Spark DataGrid, with support for printing.
com.flexicious.grids.spark.skinsThe default skin class for a Spark DataGrid component.
com.flexicious.components.container The ExtendedTitle window inherits from TitleWindow and adds the following functoinality to it: Ability for the popup button to be rendered as a contiguous part of the popup button.
com.flexicious.skins.containerThe default skin class for a Spark TitleWindow container.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells A UIComponent where we can add any logic specific to the Cells
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.caching A class that is used as a key to group renderers that belong to specific factory and subfactory.
com.flexicious.components.container This class extends the border container and attaches a specialized skin to it so it appears similar to a HTML fieldset component.
com.flexicious.grids.filters A container object that encapsulates all the individual property filter settings, page settings and the sort state.
com.flexicious.grids.filters A class that represents an individual filter expression A filter expression consists of a columnName (this is the property of the object to search), an operation type (one of the FILTER_OPERATION_TYPE constants) and an expression (the value to search on).
 FilterPageSortChangeEvent Event fired when the filter, page or sort state of the grid changes.
com.flexicious.grids.filters The advanced grid supports multi column sorting This class was created in order to provide server support for multi column sorting.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid FlexDataGrid is the class name for Flexicious Ultimate, a DataGrid component built for the Flex SDK from the ground up to cater to the needs of UI developers who create complex Line of Business applications. It attempts to provide most of the functionality that is currently available in the Adobe SDK DataGrid, AdvancedDataGrid, and the Flexicious Extensions in addition to a number of unique features.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid FlexDataGridBodyContainer is the container for the unlocked section of the datagrid.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells FlexDataGridCell is the container component for each of the DataGrid's cells.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid A column to add checkbox selection to the grid.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid The FlexDataGridColumn class describes a column in a FlexDataGrid Column control.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid Class responsible for storing information about grouped columns
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells A container class for all column group cells.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid A class that contains information about a nest level of grid.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid FlexDataGridContainerBase is the base class for each of the containers of the grid.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells FlexDataGridCell is the container component for each of the DataGrid's cells.
 FlexDataGridEvent Event class for most FlexDataGridEvent Events
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid A column to add expand collapse icon.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells FlexDataGridCell is the container component for each of the DataGrid's cells.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells A container class for all header cells.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid The container for header, footer, filter and pager sections of the top level.
 FlexDataGridItemEditEvent This event is dispatched in relation to edit related events.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells FlexDataGridCell is the container component for each of the DataGrid's cells.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells FlexDataGridCell is the container component for each of the DataGrid's cells.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells FlexDataGridCell is the container component for each of the DataGrid's cells.
 FlexDataGridPrintEvent For Print Based Events.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid The container for the body that supports virtual scrolling
 FlexDataGridVirtualScrollEvent For Virtual scroll enabled grids
com.flexicious.grids.columns.footers List of all available footer operations
com.flexicious.controls.containers An extended Form, that can be used as a container control for Filters
com.flexicious.components.charts A Tiny pyramid chart.
com.flexicious.components.charts.painters Add 3d support to pie chart.
com.flexicious.components.visualization The base control for all Gauges.
com.flexicious.components.visualization.gaugesupport A class that is responsible for drawing the needle part of the gauge component
com.flexicious.components.visualization.gaugesupport Graphics Utilities It is provided in the samples for your reference, in scenarios where you wish to customize the skins.
com.flexicious.components.visualization.gaugesupport A Circular shape with gradient.
com.flexicious.components.visualization.gaugesupport A circle that draws a gradient, surrounding rim, and a shadow.
com.flexicious.grids.spark.skinparts The group that holds the filter controls.
com.flexicious.grids.spark.skinparts Responsible for getting the correct renderer type from the column.
com.flexicious.grids.spark.skinparts The group that holds the footer controls.
com.flexicious.grids.spark.skinparts Responsible for getting the correct renderer type from the column.
com.flexicious.persistence Class added in 2.9 to support multiple preferences.
com.flexicious.controls.containers An extended HBox, that can be used as a container control for Filters
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheaderThe Spark skin class for the MX ComboBox component.
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects The HitData class represents information about the data item at a specific location on the screen.
com.flexicious.components.charts The HLOCChart (High Low Open Close) control represents financial data as a series of elements representing the high, low, closing, and optionally opening values of a data series.
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects Represents financial data as a series of elements representing the high, low, closing, and, optionally, opening values of a data series.
com.flexicious.components.visualization A Gauge that draws a horizontal bar for the scale, and color coded horizontally stacked ranges for the ranges.
com.flexicious.components.visualization A Gaugle that is a semicircle around the horizontal axis Start angle defaults to 170, end angle defaults to 370.
com.flexicious.export.exporters Exports the grid in HTML format
com.flexicious.grids.dependencies Attributes specific to the Advanced Flex DataGrid
com.flexicious.components.charts.axis The IAxis class is an abstract interface for defining label, tick mark, and data positioning properties for a chart axis.
com.flexicious.grids.dependencies Attributes specific to the Class Flex DataGrid
com.flexicious.grids.dependencies Interface to abtract out functionality in the filter/footer layout mechanism
com.flexicious.components A generic class meant to expose the icons built into the dashboard swc.
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.filters In addition to being a filter control, also encapsulates the logic of performing the comparisions and actual matching of the filter criteria.
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.filters This is a type of a filter control that contains its own logic to determine whether or not the given object matches the filter criteria it encapsulates.
com.flexicious.controls.dataBindings A container control that can encapsulate a series of filter controls.
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.databindings Generic interface for databinding, implemented by all databound controls.
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.filters A combobox that has date ranges as options
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.databindings To be implemented by DateField To be used by DataBinding to bind to date properties, e.g.
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces This is a marker interface to indicate that the object support a delayed changed event Used in filtering - so we dont trigger the filter event for every key stroke in the textbox.
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.filters This is a type of a filter control that is responsible for building its own filter expression.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager Works with the ExtendedDataGrid, to provide UI for the pager bar.
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.filters To be implemented by any control that can participate in the filtering mechanism.
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.filters To be implemented by containers like VBOX and HBOX.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.interfaces This is the interface implemented by all the cells that appear in the Flexicious Ultimate DataGrid.
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.filters Implemented by NumericRangeTextBox to indicate to the filter row that it wishes to control its own tabbing.
com.flexicious.controls A lightweight image that reproduces some functionality of the button without the additional weight associated with the button.
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.databindings A control that has a list of values to choose from, and user can choose multiple values
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.filters Implemented by the MultiSelectComboBox to enable it to participate in the Filtering Infrastructure.
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces Works with the ExtendedDataGrid, to provide UI for the pager bar.
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces A class that pulls in a PDF library (like AlivePDF) and spits out the PDF bytes to it.
com.flexicious.grids.dependencies An object that can persist it's state into a serializable string and can load itself back from that serializable string.
com.flexicious.grids.dependencies A interface so we can write code that targets both anything that can be printed using the print mechanism
com.flexicious.print.printareas Implemented by the print areas Print page header, page footer, overall header and overall footer
com.flexicious.print.printareas Implemented by the preview window.
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.filters Implemented by NumericRangeTextBox, Slider to enable them to participate in the Filtering Infrastructure.
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.databindings A control that has a list of values to choose from
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.databindings Implemented by CheckBoxes, TriStatecheckboxes
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.filters Implemented by CheckBoxes, TriStatecheckboxes and RadioButtonList to enable them to participate in the Filtering Infrastructure.
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.filters Implemented by the ComboBox,MultiSelectComboBox,RadioButtonList,DateComboBox to enable to participate in the Filtering Infrastructure.
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.databindings A control that has a list of values to choose from, but user can only choose 1 value To be implemented by ComboBoxes and RadioButton Lists Used by databinding to get/set values
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.filters A control that has a list of values to choose from, but user can only choose 1 value Implemented by ComboBoxes and RadioButton Lists to enable them to participate in the Filtering Infrastructure.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects In lazy loaded grids, stores information about which items are being loaded or have been loaded.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects class that stores information about what page an item exists on, at what level.
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.databindings To be implemented by TextInput, TextArea, etc.
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.filters To be implemented by TextInput, TextArea, etc.
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.skins This interface defines the API that needs to be implemented by each of the chart skins.
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.filters Implemented by the Tristate checkbox to enable it to participate in the Filtering Infrastructure.
com.flexicious.components.charts.legends The Legend control adds a legend to your charts, where the legend displays the label for each data series in the chart and a key showing the chart element for the series.
com.flexicious.components.charts The LineChart control represents a data series as points connected by a continuous line.
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects Defines a data series for a LineChart control.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells Basically an extended UIComponent that manages the filter and footer cell visibility, heights, and the y positions
com.flexicious.skins.containerThe default skin class for the close button of the Spark TitleWindow component.
com.flexicious.controls A MultiSelectComboBox that implements IMultiSelectDataBoundControl (IFilterControl) and IMultiSelectDataBoundControl (IDataBoundControl) which enables it to be used within the filtering/binding infrasturcture.
com.flexicious.controls Extended version of the
com.flexicious.lic Base class for the FlexDataGrid.
com.flexicious.components.charts.zoom A range object that has a start and end
com.flexicious.controls An HBox that contains two textboxes to specify a range.
com.flexicious.controls A class that extends Text Input, but returns filter expressions where the value is always an integer instead of text.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.olap The OlapFlexDataGrid control expands on the functionality of the Flexicious Ultimate control to add support for the display of the results of OLAP queries.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager A ActionScript only version of the Pager control that significantly cuts down on initialization time.
com.flexicious.print.printareas Stores information about the common paper formats
com.flexicious.controls.containers An extended VBox, that can be used as a container control for Filters
com.flexicious.components.charts A Regular pie chart.
com.flexicious.components.charts The PlotChart control represents data with two values for each data point.
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects Defines a data series for a PlotChart control
com.flexicious.skins.containerThe default skin class for a Spark TitleWindow container.
com.flexicious.persistence Class added in 2.9 to support multiple preferences.
 PreferencePersistenceEvent Dispatched when the grids' preferencePersistenceMode='server' and: 1) The Grid needs to retrieve the preference data from the server 2) The Grid needs to persist the preference data to the server 3) The Grid needs to clear out its preference data.
com.flexicious.print.printareas Generic base class used by Report footer, Report Header Page footer, and Page Header components.
com.flexicious.print This class is responsible for actual print and print preview functionality
com.flexicious.components.dashboard.print Print version of the dashboard.
com.flexicious.skins.dashboardThe default skin class for a Flexicious DashboardContainer.
com.flexicious.components.dashboard.print A printable version of the dashlet that has a white background for ease of printing
com.flexicious.skins.dashboardThe default skin class for a Flexicious DashboardContainer.
 PrintExportDataRequestEvent Event fired when the filter, page or sort state of the grid changes.
com.flexicious.grids.filters A class that extends the base filter object, but adds the additional properties, to store whether the user chose to print all pages, or specific pages of data.
 PrintExportOptions Stores user selection for records to print or to export.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.print Specialized extension of the FlexDataGrid that is used for printing.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.print Specialized extension of the FlexDataGridBodyContainer that is used for printing.
com.flexicious.grids.spark.skinparts Responsible for creating the print version of the grid, so we dont cutoff half way through the last page WE extend all the way to the bottom of the last page.
com.flexicious.grids.spark.skinparts Associate PrintGridDimensions with gridDimensions
com.flexicious.print Class to print the datagrid, either one page at a time or specific pages, or all pages.
com.flexicious.components.charts A Tiny pyramid chart.
com.flexicious.components.charts.painters Add 3d support to pie chart.
com.flexicious.controls A RadioButton that implements ISelectedBitFilterControl (IFilterControl) and ISelectedBitDataBoundControl (IDataBoundControl) which enables it to be used within the filtering/binding infrasturcture.
com.flexicious.controls A RadioButton list that implements ISingleSelectFilterControl (IFilterControl) and ISingleSelectDataBoundControl (IDataBoundControl) which enables it to be used within the filtering/binding infrasturcture.
com.flexicious.controls.dependencies Renderer used by the the RadioButtonList to render the individual radio buttons.
com.flexicious.components.visualization.gaugesupport A class that holds information about start, end and color of the ranges of the gauge control
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.caching Class to keep renderes around...
com.flexicious.skins.containerThe default skin class for the close button of the Spark TitleWindow component.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.rowedit Enables full row edit behavior.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects Internal class used to keep track of the overall grid rows.
com.flexicious.lic Base class for the ExtendedDataGrid.
com.flexicious.grids.columns Use with the selectedKeyField = "typically the ID field" Once you do this, you can use the Grid.selectedObjects or Grid.selectedKeys and it will give you a list of the grids selected objects, or a list of values of the field that you specify in the selectedKeyField
com.flexicious.grids.columns Use with the selectedKeyField = "typically the ID field" Once you do this, you can use the Grid.selectedObjects or Grid.selectedKeys and it will give you a list of the grids selected objects, or a list of values of the field that you specify in the selectedKeyField
com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns Use with the selectedKeyField = "typically the ID field" Once you do this, you can use the Grid.selectedObjects or Grid.selectedKeys and it will give you a list of the grids selected objects, or a list of values of the field that you specify in the selectedKeyField
com.flexicious.grids.columns.customRenderers Used by the SelectAllCheckBoxColumn to render the header.
com.flexicious.grids.columns.customRenderers Used by the SelectAllCheckBoxColumn to render the items
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects When enableSelectionExclusion=true, the grid.selectionInfo points to an object of this class This class contains a boolean variable, isSelectAll, that indicates whether or not the user has the select all header checkbox selected.
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects The Series class is the base class for the classes that let you specify a data series for a chart control.
com.flexicious.controls This is the main spinner class which is extended from mx.core.UIComponent to create a custom Spinner
com.flexicious.behaviors Attaches the spinner behavior to the owner component.
com.flexicious.utils A repository for all strings.
com.flexicious.controls A TextInput that implements ITextFilterControl (IFilterControl) and ITextDataBoundControl (IDataBoundControl) which enables it to be used within the filtering/binding infrasturcture.
com.flexicious.components.dashboard.tileLayout A class that is used to set the layout constraints of the tile layout
com.flexicious.controls.customDatePicker Added support to format time values.
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts TinyChartBase is the base class for all charting components.
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.painters Class responsible for painting a chart.
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts A Tiny pie chart.
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.painters Add 3d support to pie chart.
com.flexicious.controls.toaster Class that provides toaster style notifications for flex.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects A class that represents a tool bar action that will appear in the toolbar of the datagrid.
com.flexicious.behaviors Attaches the tooltip behavior to any UI component.
com.flexicious.components.visualization A specialized type of a gauge, with stop lights.
com.flexicious.controls A Checkbox that implements ITriStateCheckBoxFilterControl (IFilterControl) which enables it to be used within the filtering/binding infrasturcture.
com.flexicious.export.exporters Exports the grid in text format
com.flexicious.utils A Utility class that contains generic functions needed in multiple places.
com.flexicious.persistence Class responsible for preference persistence.
com.flexicious.persistence Class responsible for storing information about the user preference persistence settings
com.flexicious.controls.containers An extended VBox, that can be used as a container control for Filters
com.flexicious.components.visualization A Gauge that draws a vertical bar for the scale, and color coded vertically stacked ranges for the ranges.
com.flexicious.components.visualization A Gaugle that is a semicircle around the vertical axis Start angle defaults to 90, end angle defaults to 270.
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects When grid.enableVirtualScroll=true, the grid dispatches a virtualScroll event when the grid scrolls.
com.flexicious.export.exporters Exports the grid in XML format
com.flexicious.components.charts.zoom This class is responsibe for rendering a Zoom Slider UI