 ExtendedAdvancedDataGridColumn Provides the following additional features in addition to the base column 1) Filter renderer (Any control that implements com.flexicious.controls.filters.interfaces.IFilterControl) - Will draw it in the header and filter the collection automatically.
 ExtendedDataGridColumn Provides the following additional features in addition to the base column 1) Filter renderer (Any control that implements com.flexicious.controls.filters.interfaces.IFilterControl) - Will draw it in the header and filter the collection automatically.
 SelectAllAdvancedCheckBoxHeaderColumn Use with the selectedKeyField = "typically the ID field" Once you do this, you can use the Grid.selectedObjects or Grid.selectedKeys and it will give you a list of the grids selected objects, or a list of values of the field that you specify in the selectedKeyField
 SelectAllCheckBoxHeaderColumn Use with the selectedKeyField = "typically the ID field" Once you do this, you can use the Grid.selectedObjects or Grid.selectedKeys and it will give you a list of the grids selected objects, or a list of values of the field that you specify in the selectedKeyField