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label — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapPlotPoint
label — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.Spinner
label — Property, interface com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.ISpinner
abel to display on the spinner
label — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.footers.DataGridFooterCell
label — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.footers.DataGridFooterRow
label — Property, interface com.flexicious.grids.columns.footers.IDataGridFooterCell
label — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn
For support in pickers
labelColor — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries
The border color for the chart and each of the tiles
labelColorAdjustment — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries
The amount by which to brighten the label.
labelColorFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries
Color of the labels associated with each plot point.
labelDisplay — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.dashboard.DashboardButtonSkin
labelFactory — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries
Factory class creating all the labels.
labelField — Property, class com.flexicious.components.BreadCrumb
The property on the dataprovider that should map to the text of the labels
labelField — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.DividedSeries
This is the same as name field, not sure why Adobe did not call it the labelField to begin with, since that is the naming convention used elsewhere in the SDK.
labelField — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.MultiSelectComboBox
The property on the type of the object in the dataprovider that should be the label for the checkboxes in the list.
labelField — Property, interface com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.filters.ISelectFilterControl
labelFieldFactory — Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.utils.FlexVersionSpecific
labelFontSize — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapPlotPoint
labelFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.components.BreadCrumb
A function that determines the text to display on the breadcrumb.
labelFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.Series
Specifies a callback function used to render each label of the Series.
labelFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.MultiSelectComboBox
A function to run on each item to determine its label.
labelFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.footers.DataGridFooterCell
labelFunction — Property, interface com.flexicious.grids.columns.footers.IDataGridFooterCell
labelFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn
A function that determines the text to display in this column.
labelFunction2 — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn
A specialized function that determines the text to display in this column, and takes the actual cell being evaluated as a parameter.
labelMaxLength — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.MultiSelectComboBox
Maximum number of characters to display in the label.
labelObjectProperty(item:Object, column:Object) — Static Method , class com.flexicious.utils.UIUtils
Parses the value of a complex property and return its String equivalent
labelObjectPropertyList(item:Object, column:Object) — Static Method , class com.flexicious.utils.UIUtils
Parses the value of a complex list property, concatenating string values of all elements.
labelPropertyName — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.DividedSeries
Returns the attribute on the series that returns the data field on the dataprovider.
labelPropertyName — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.Series
Returns the attribute on the series that returns the data field on the dataprovider.
labelRotation — Property, interface com.flexicious.components.charts.axis.IAxis
The degrees to rotate the label by
labelRotation — Property, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.Gauge
The degrees to rotate the label by
labelShowBackground — Style, class com.flexicious.controls.Spinner
labelStyleName — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.Series
This is the style name applied to labels that are drawn on top of individual datapoints For now this is supported for 3d Pie, Funnel and Pyramid Charts, since they are the only ones that draw a label on top of the individual data points.
labelTop — Style, class com.flexicious.controls.CheckBox
Where to place the label.
labelXOffset — Property, interface com.flexicious.components.charts.axis.IAxis
To accomodate various positioning scenarios, the default calculation of the labels can be changed.
labelXOffset — Property, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.Gauge
To accomodate various positioning scenarios, the default calculation of the labels can be changed.
labelYOffset — Property, interface com.flexicious.components.charts.axis.IAxis
To accomodate various positioning scenarios, the default calculation of the labels can be changed.
labelYOffset — Property, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.Gauge
To accomodate various positioning scenarios, the default calculation of the labels can be changed.
lastAutoRefresh — Property, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer
Last time the auto refresh timer was triggered
lastAutoRefresh — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
Last time the auto refresh timer was triggered
lastPrintOptionsString — Property, interface com.flexicious.grids.dependencies.IPersistable
lastSelectedRowIndex — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridContainerBase
Last selected Row Index
layout — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.skinparts.PrintGridDimensions
layoutChrome(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — method, class com.flexicious.controls.CheckBoxList
layouts — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintPreview
lbl — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.DataTipRenderer
lbl — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.customRenderers.HandCursorRenderer
LBL_COLS — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintPreview
LBL_COLS_TO_EXPORT — Property, class com.flexicious.export.ExportOptionsView
LBL_COLS_TO_PRINT — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintOptionsView
lblData — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.skins.DefaultGridFooterRenderer
LBL_EXPORT_FORMAT — Property, class com.flexicious.export.ExportOptionsView
LBL_GOTO_PAGE — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager.PagerControl
LBL_HEADER — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager.MultiColumnSortRenderer
LBL_LAYOUT — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintPreview
LBL_PG_SIZE — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintPreview
LBL_PRT_OPTIONS — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintOptionsView
LBL_SETTINGS_1 — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintPreview
LBL_SETTINGS_2 — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintPreview
LBL_SORT_BY — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager.MultiColumnSortRenderer
leftLockedColumns — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel
Gets all left locked columns
leftLockedContent — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
The container for the left locked data cells.
leftLockedContent — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.rowedit.RowEditBehavior
The container for left locked edit cells.
leftLockedContentX — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.InsertionLocationInfo
leftLockedFooter — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
The container for the left locked footer cells.
leftLockedFooterX — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.InsertionLocationInfo
leftLockedFooterY — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.InsertionLocationInfo
leftLockedHeader — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
The container for the left locked filter and header cells.
leftLockedHeaderX — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.InsertionLocationInfo
leftLockedHeaderY — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.InsertionLocationInfo
leftLockedVerticalSeperator — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.NdgBase
The left locked vertical seperator Sprite.
leftLockedWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel
Gets the sum of left lock column widths
leftSpacer — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.footers.PagerControl
Legend — class, package com.flexicious.components.charts.legends
The Legend control adds a legend to your charts, where the legend displays the label for each data series in the chart and a key showing the chart element for the series.
Legend() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.components.charts.legends.Legend
legendItem — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.legends.LegendItemRenderer
LegendItemRenderer — class, package com.flexicious.components.charts.legends
LegendItemRenderer() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.components.charts.legends.LegendItemRenderer
legendItemRendererLayoutFactory — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.legends.Legend
letterSpacing — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character.
letterSpacing — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character.
letterSpacing — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn
The number of additional pixels to appear between each character.
level — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn
level — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnGroup
The level that this group belongs to.
level — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.ExpandCollapseIcon
level — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridCell
The FlexDataGridColumnLevel associated with this cell.
level — Property, interface com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.IExpandCollapseComponent
level — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.events.FlexDataGridEvent
The level associated with the cell that triggered this event
level — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.filter.AdvancedFilter
Size of the page
level — Property, interface com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.interfaces.IFlexDataGridCell
The FlexDataGridColumnLevel associated with this cell.
level — Property, interface com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager.IExtendedPager
level — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager.PagerControl
level — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager.PagerControlAS
The level at which the pager appears
level — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.ItemLoadInfo
level — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.ItemPositionInfo
level — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.ToolbarAction
Level at which the action is to be applied.
level — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.VirtualScrollLoadInfo
FlexDataGridColumnLevel that this item belongs to
levelName — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel
Friendly name for the level.
levelNestDepth — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.LevelSelectionInfo
levelNestDepth — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.RowPositionInfo
levelNestDepth — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.VirtualScrollLoadInfo
The nest depth of the level
levelRendererHeight — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
levelRendererHeight — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel
Height to assign to the renderer for each level.
LevelSelectionInfo — class, package com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects
LevelSelectionInfo() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.LevelSelectionInfo
levelSelections — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.SelectionInfo
Array of LevelSelectionInfo
LINEAR — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.axis.AxisBase
linearGradient — Property, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.gaugesupport.GradientCircle
Flag to enable linear gradient.
LineChart — class, package com.flexicious.components.charts
The LineChart control represents a data series as points connected by a continuous line.
LineChart() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.components.charts.LineChart
LineChartPainter — class, package com.flexicious.components.charts.painters
LineChartPainter(chart:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts:TinyChartBase) — Constructor, class com.flexicious.components.charts.painters.LineChartPainter
LineChartSkin — class, package com.flexicious.skins.charts
LineChartSkin() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.LineChartSkin
lineFill — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.PlotPoint
LineSeries — class, package com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects
Defines a data series for a LineChart control.
LineSeries() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.LineSeries
lineWidth — Style, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.LineSeries
Sets the width for the actual line segments.
lineWidth — Style, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyLineChart
Sets the width for the actual line segments.
linkClicked — Event, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedAdvancedDataGridColumn
Fired when the link is clicked if the linkText property is set.
linkClicked — Event, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedDataGridColumn
Fired when the link is clicked if the linkText property is set.
linkClicked — Event, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns.ExtendedGridColumn
Fired when the link is clicked if the linkText property is set.
linkText — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedAdvancedDataGridColumn
When set, creates a link text that can then be used in conjunction with the linkClicked event.
linkText — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedDataGridColumn
When set, creates a link text that can then be used in conjunction with the linkClicked event.
linkText — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns.ExtendedGridColumn
When set, creates a link text that can then be used in conjunction with the linkClicked event.
linkText — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn
listContent — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid
returns scroller
listData — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.customRenderers.CheckBoxRenderer
listData — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.customRenderers.HandCursorRenderer
listData — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.customRenderers.RadioButtonRenderer
loadColumns(lvl:com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid:FlexDataGridColumnLevel, dp:mx.collections:ArrayCollection, loadSorts:Boolean) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager.MultiColumnSortRenderer
loadDefaultPreferenceOnCreationComplete — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.GridPreferencesInfo
Flag that tells the grid to load the default preferences on creation complete
loadedItems — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridBodyContainer
In lazy loaded grid levels, (filterPageSortMode=server), when the user expands a level for the first time, since the data is not loaded, the level dispatches the filterPageSortChange, or itemLoad.
loadedViewPort — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridVirtualBodyContainer
The current viewport rectange
loadFromDashletInfo(dashletInfo:com.flexicious.components.valueobjects:DashletInfo, expandHide:Boolean) — method, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.Dashlet
Loads the collapse, open, title, height, width, x and y from the specified dashlet info.
loadFromPersistedString(grid:com.flexicious.grids.dependencies:IExtendedDataGrid, val:String) — method, class com.flexicious.print.PrintOptions
Hydrates previously persisted property values for the user interactive persistable properties of the print options from the string value created earlier.
loadPreferences — Event, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer
Fired In preferencePersistenceMode=server , when the dashboard needs to load its preferences.
loadPreferences() — method, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer
Loads preference values from the Shared object, called automatically in preferencePersistenceMode=client.
loadPreferences — Event, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid
Fired In preferencePersistenceMode=server , when the grid needs to load its preferences.
loadPreferences() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid
Loads preference values from the Shared object, called automatically in preferencePersistenceMode=client.
loadPreferences — Event, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid
Fired In preferencePersistenceMode=server , when the grid needs to load its preferences.
loadPreferences() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid
Loads preference values from the Shared object, called automatically in preferencePersistenceMode=client.
loadPreferences() — method, interface com.flexicious.grids.dependencies.IPersistable
loadPreferences — Event, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid
Fired In preferencePersistenceMode=server , when the grid needs to load its preferences.
loadPreferences() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid
Loads preference values from the Shared object, called automatically in preferencePersistenceMode=client.
loadPreferences — Event, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
Fired In preferencePersistenceMode=server , when the grid needs to load its preferences.
loadPreferences() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
Loads preference values from the Shared object, called automatically in preferencePersistenceMode=client.
loadPreferences(userSettingsOptions:com.flexicious.persistence:UserSettingsOptions) — method, class com.flexicious.persistence.UserSettingsController
Loads preferences
LOAD_PREFERENCES — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.grids.events.PreferencePersistenceEvent
loadTileLayout(arr:Array) — method, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer
Given an array of row and column count, initializes the getTileLayout() layout to the requestedRowCount as the first item in the array, and requestedColumnCount as the second item in the array
locale — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
The locale of the text displayed by this component.
locale — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel
The locale of the text displayed by this component.
locale — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn
The locale of the text displayed by this component.
lockDisclosureCell — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.NdgBase
A boolean flag that indicates whether to lock the disclosure cells so that they dont scroll horizontally.
lockedCellColor — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.olap.OlapFlexDataGrid
Color for the left locked cells.
lockedColumnCount — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid
Unused/Not Applicable.
lockedColumnCount — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
Unused/Not Applicable.
lockedColumns — Property, interface com.flexicious.grids.dependencies.IClassicExtendedDataGrid
lockedColumns — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.EadgBase
Iterates through the locked columns, and returns them
lockedColumns — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.EdgBase
Returns columns 0 through x, where x=lockedColumnCount
lockedColumns — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.SEdgBase
Returns columns 0 through x, where x=lockedColumnCount
lockedColumnWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.EadgBase
Iterates through the locked columns, and adds up the width of these columns
lockedColumnWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.EdgBase
Returns the width of the locked columns
lockedColumnWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.SEdgBase
Returns the width of the locked columns
lockedColumnWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
Unused/Not Applicable.
LockedContent — class, package com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells
Basically an extended UIComponent that manages the filter and footer cell visibility, heights, and the y positions
LockedContent(grid:com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid:FlexDataGrid) — Constructor, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.LockedContent
lockedHeader — Property, interface com.flexicious.grids.dependencies.IClassicExtendedDataGrid
lockedHeader — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.EdgBase
Returns the locked header row
lockedHeader — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.SEdgBase
Returns the locked header row
lockedSectionSeperatorDrawFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.NdgBase
Function to draw a line to the right of the left locked content and a line to the left of the right locked content.
lockedSeperatorColor — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
The color of the vertical seperators for the locked content.
lockedSeperatorThickness — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
The width of the vertical seperators for the locked content.
lowField — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.HLOCSeries
Specifies the field of the data provider that determines the y-axis location of the low value of the element.
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