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m — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.Spinner
maskLabelFunction(val:Date) — method, class com.flexicious.controls.DateField
max — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.PlotPoint
max(dataProvider:Object, fld:String, comparisionType:String) — Static Method , class com.flexicious.utils.UIUtils
Returns the maximum value in the specified data provider
MAX — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.footers.FooterRowOperations
MAX — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridFooterCell
maxAutoAdjustHeight — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
The maximum height to adjust the grid when enableHeightAutoAdjust is set to true.
maxDepth — Property, class com.flexicious.components.BreadCrumb
The maximum number of breadcrumbs that can be added to this list
maxDepth — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries
The maximum depth to draw.
maxDepth — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
Returns the max depth possible for nested datagrids
maxDisclosureCellWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel
Gets the max disclosure cell width.
maxHorizontalScrollPosition — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
The max horizontal scroll position of the bodyContainer
maxHorizontalScrollPosition — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridHeaderContainer
maximize — Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.IconRepository
maximize() — method, class com.flexicious.components.container.ExtendedTitleWindow
Maximizes the component.
maximize(dashlet:com.flexicious.components.dashboard:Dashlet) — method, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer
Maximizes the provided dashlet.
maximize() — method, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.Dashlet
Maximizes the dashlet.
MaximizeButtonSkin — class, package com.flexicious.skins.container
The default skin class for the close button of the Spark TitleWindow component.
MaximizeButtonSkin() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.skins.container.MaximizeButtonSkin
maximizeChanged — Event, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer
Dispatched when the dashlet is maximized or restored
maximizeChanged — Event, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.Dashlet
Dispatched when the dashlet is maximized or restored
maximized — Event, class com.flexicious.components.container.ExtendedTitleWindow
Dispatched when the titlewindow is maximized
maximized — Event, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer
Dispatched when the dashlet is maximized
maximized — Event, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.Dashlet
Dispatched when the dashlet is maximized
maximizedContentGroup — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.dashboard.DashboardSkin
maximizedContentGroup — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.dashboard.PrintDashboardSkin
maximizedContentGroup — Skin Part, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the maximized dashlet gets pushed into and laid out.
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the maximized dashlet gets pushed into and laid out.
maximizedContentLayoutFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer
Layout of the maximized Content Group.
maximizeRelativeToComponent — Property, class com.flexicious.components.container.ExtendedTitleWindow
The component that we should use to maximize the title window relative to.
maxPaddingCellWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel
Gets the width of the padding cell.
maxRadius — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.BubbleSeries
The radius of the largest item renderered in this series.
maxSquares — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries
Dont draw more than these many child tiles.
maxValue — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries
The minimum value for the color field
maxValue — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.DateComboBox
Maximum value for the date picker
maxValue — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.DateRangeBox
Returns the maximum value of the range
maxValue — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.NumericRangeBox
Returns the maximum value of the range
MCS_BTN_APPLY_LABEL — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants
MCS_BTN_CANCEL_LABEL — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants
MCS_BTN_CLEAR_ALL_LABEL — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants
MCS_LBL_HEADER_TEXT — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants
MCS_LBL_SORT_BY_TEXT — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants
MCS_LBL_TITLE_TEXT — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants
MCS_RBN_ASCENDING_LABEL — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants
MCS_RBN_DESCENDING_LABEL — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants
measure() — method, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.gaugesupport.GradientCircle
Just give the GradientCircle a default size 50x50.
measure() — method, class com.flexicious.lic.ChartBase
measureCellHeight(col:Object, paddingLeft:Number, paddingRight:Number, paddingTop:Number, paddingBottom:Number, itemRenderer:mx.core:IFactory, ht:Number, txt:String, item:Object, styl:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
Given a column and padding values, calculate the height required to fully render the text
menu — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader.ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior
The menu to setup
menuButtonClick — Event, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.toolbar.ToolbarMenu
Dispatched when we click the custom menu button.
message — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.toaster.DefaultRenderer
message — Property, interface com.flexicious.controls.toaster.IToasterMessageRenderer
middle — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.TriStateCheckBox
middleIcon — Style, class com.flexicious.controls.TriStateCheckBox
Name of the class to use as the icon when a toggle button is not selected and the mouse is not over the button.
militaryTime — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.customDatePicker.DateTimePicker
Boolean flag that controls whether we show 12 hour or 24 hour clock
mimimizedDashlets — Property, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer
A list of all dashlets taht are currently closed (or minimized) by the user.
min — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.PlotPoint
min(dataProvider:Object, fld:String, comparisionType:String) — Static Method , class com.flexicious.utils.UIUtils
Returns the minimum value in the specified data provider
MIN — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.footers.FooterRowOperations
MIN — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridFooterCell
minDashletHeight — Property, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer
During a resize operation we do not allow the user to resize the dashllet less then this number
minDashletWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer
During a resize operation we do not allow the user to resize the dashllet less then this number
minHeaderHeight — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel
minimu header height
minHeightForLabel — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries
A height of the square below which to not show labels
minimize — Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.IconRepository
minimizedDashletRenderer — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.dashboard.DashboardTaskBarSkin
The component that renders the individual icon button for this dashlet in minimized state in the task bar.
minimizeToTaskBar() — method, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.Dashlet
Sets the visible and include in layout flags to false
minMaxSumFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.Series
PLEASE NOTE: Starting 2.10 this function is deprecated.
minMaxSumIntervalFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.Series
Returns an array of 4 values.
minRadius — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.BubbleSeries
The radius of the smallest item renderered in this series.
minValue — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries
The minimum value for the color field
minValue — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.DateComboBox
Minimum value for the date picker
minValue — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.DateRangeBox
Returns the minimum value of the range
minValue — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.NumericRangeBox
Returns the minimum value of the range
minWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn
The mininum width that a column can receive.
minWidthForLabel — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries
A width of the square below which to not show labels
modalWindows — Property, class com.flexicious.export.ExportOptions
Flag, which defaults to false, launches the preview and options screen in modal mode.
modalWindows — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintOptions
Flag, which defaults to false, launches the preview and options screen in modal mode.
model — Property, class com.flexicious.events.mvc.NavigationEvent
The model to launch into view
moduleFactory — Property, interface com.flexicious.grids.dependencies.IPrintable
mouseClickHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase
Handler for the mouse click event.
mouseDoubleClickHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase
Handler for the double click event.
mouseDownHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase
Handler for the mouse down event.
mouseMoveHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase
mouseMoveHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.Gauge
Handler for the mouse move event.
mouseOutHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase
Handler for the mouse out event.
mouseOutHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.Gauge
Handler for the mouse out event.
mouseOverHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid
mouseOverHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid
mouseSensitivity — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.ChartBase
Specifies the distance, in pixels, that Flex considers a data point to be under the mouse pointer when the pointer moves around a chart.
mouseUpHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase
Handler for the mouse over event.
mouseUpHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.toolbar.ToolbarMenu
move(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridHeaderContainer
move(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridHeaderCell
move(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridPaddingCell
moveable — Property, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.Dashlet
Flag to enable move behavior.
moveArea — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.container.ExtendedTitleWindowSkin
moveArea — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.container.PopupButtonTitleWindowSkin
MOVE_BOTTOM — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
MOVE_DOWN — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
moveRight — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.AreaChartSkin
moveRight — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.BarChartSkin
moveRight — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.ColumnChartSkin
moveRight — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.LineChartSkin
moveRight — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.PyramidChartSkin
MOVE_TOP — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
MOVE_UP — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
moving — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridCell
Used by header cells and column group cells for drag drop move.
multiColumnSortGetTooltip(cell:com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells:FlexDataGridHeaderCell) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
Gets the text of the tooltip to show to the user to prompt for the multi column sort.
multiColumnSortNumberFields — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
The number of field dropdowns to display in the multi column sort popup.
multiColumnSortNumberHeight — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
The height of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort.
multiColumnSortNumberHeight — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel
The height of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort.
multiColumnSortNumberHeight — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn
The height of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort.
multiColumnSortNumberStyleName — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling other aspects of the appearance of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort.
multiColumnSortNumberStyleName — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel
The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling other aspects of the appearance of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort.
multiColumnSortNumberStyleName — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn
The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling other aspects of the appearance of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort.
multiColumnSortNumberWidth — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
The width of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort.
multiColumnSortNumberWidth — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel
The width of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort.
multiColumnSortNumberWidth — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn
The width of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort.
MultiColumnSortRenderer — class, package com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager
MultiColumnSortRenderer() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager.MultiColumnSortRenderer
multiColumnSortShowPopup() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
Creates an instance of the multiSortRenderer and pushes it into view
multiPrefDelimiter — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.UserSettingsOptions
The delimiter that separates two preferences from each other
multiPrefGridPrefPropDelimiter — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.UserSettingsOptions
The delimiter that separates the properties of the GridPreferencesInfo object
multiPrefPrefPropDelimiter — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.UserSettingsOptions
The delimiter that separates the properties of the PreferenceInfo object
MultiSelectComboBox — class, package com.flexicious.controls
A MultiSelectComboBox that implements IMultiSelectDataBoundControl (IFilterControl) and IMultiSelectDataBoundControl (IDataBoundControl) which enables it to be used within the filtering/binding infrasturcture.
MultiSelectComboBox() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.controls.MultiSelectComboBox
MultiSelectComboBoxEx — class, package com.flexicious.controls
Extended version of the
MultiSelectComboBoxEx() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.controls.MultiSelectComboBoxEx
multiSortRenderer — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid
A Class that is responsible for the multi column sort view.
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